Rick Rea

Project Manager

As a Project Manager, Rick will coordinate all construction processes to align with the budget and schedule for commercial and multifamily housing projects. He will define the project objectives and will oversee quality control with a focus on building strong teams resulting in improved efficiencies, greater value, high performance and cost savings.

Professional Passion

Create teams and work environments that demonstrate a more respectful and healthy way of completing complex construction projects, as well as developing mutual respect amongst company employees, subcontractors, and other project participants.  Promoting personal and professional growth for all team members while establishing and advancing the Lloyd brand

Best Part of My Job

Rick believes he is blessed to work with an incredible team of construction professionals at Lloyd. He enjoys developing new relationships with design professionals, subcontractors and the local communities. Rick is also motivated by the team building that occurs as his team collaborates to solve problems together.

Personal Interests

Rick enjoys spending time with his four kids and six grandchildren. In his free time you will find him hiking, rock climbing, jet skiing, camping, furniture building, gardening and doing home projects.

Community Involvement

Parkview Evangelical Free Church

Military CASA

Bridges of Hope


Ursinus College