Lloyd Companies Marks Big Safety Milestone

Lloyd Companies Marks Big Safety Milestone

Construction , Inside Lloyd

While we’re proud of many achievements at Lloyd Companies, this is one of the most significant.

Our construction division recently marked 1,000 days without a reportable accident.

“I’m so proud of them,” Lloyd safety coordinator Diana Arnold said. “It’s just unbelievable. They’re an amazing group.”

Arnold was inspired to begin tracking at a safety conference where others were talking about how many accident-free days they had in their companies.

“Because construction can be high-risk, I thought it was very important to start tracking it,” she said.

She started keeping track. And then she waited with anticipation as a specific day approached.

“I just kept waiting for it to happen,” she said of the major milestone.

“It’s all about our team,” she said. “Sometimes, after doing this awhile, required safety training can seem redundant. But no matter what, they come in with a good attitude. There’s always good discussion. They make sure the new people understand the discussion and they leave training and they do something with it. They have so much pride and ownership.”


Safety has become part of the culture on Lloyd Construction sites, she added.

“This group owns it. They know it’s their responsibility. And it shows. Safety is their responsibility — not mine or upper management and that’s when it shines,” she said.

“Even when I’m not on site, they call when they have questions. They’re not afraid to contact me and I find answers when I don’t have them. They take what they learn and apply it. They’ve taken safety to a whole new level. I’ve never been so proud of a group.”

Congratulations to all at Lloyd Companies on this outstanding achievement!