Lloyd Celebrates National Safety Stand-Down Week 2023 With A Schedule Of Events

Lloyd Celebrates National Safety Stand-Down Week 2023 With A Schedule Of Events

Construction , Inside Lloyd

Lloyd Companies places an emphasis on safety in everything we do and we’re proud to celebrate National Safety Stand-Down Week.

A safety stand-down can be a variety of activities where normal work is paused and team members focus on a particular safety issue. This week’s stand-downs were focused on raising awareness of fall hazards in an effort to stop fall fatalities and injuries.

Diana Arnold, Lloyd’s Safety Director, identified various fall hazards our teams face on the job site every day. From there, she created a schedule of events for our trades to participate in bringing light to those hazards.

“Lloyd Companies focused on addressing falls from roofs, ladders and scaffolds throughout the week,” Arnold said. “These represent three major sources of falls in our industry.”

Each day this week, May 1-5, we hosted events for Lloyd Construction teams and other trades to learn about fall prevention, celebrate our safety records and promote comradery regarding worksite safety.


Stand-Down Schedule of Events:

  • On Monday we kicked off the week with a presentation by OSHA where we talked about falls and prevention.
  • Tuesday featured electrical safety and fall prevention.
  • Wednesday focused on trenching safety and related falls.
  • Thursday’s presentation was on harness and lanyard safety.
  • Friday we’re wrapping up the week and celebrating our safety measures with a presentation by Lloyd’s VP of Construction, food and drawings for prizes.


“Each event has had an overwhelmingly positive response,” said Arnold. “We had between 80 and 100 team members and tradespeople each day.”

Our goal is that our team members will keep fall prevention, protective methods and Lloyds’ safety policies, goals and expectations top of mind on the work site.

“Lloyd’s safety team would like to thank everyone for their participation and safety-first mindset,” Arnold said. “It takes each team member to be focused on jobsite safety to get home safely each and every day.”

Thank you to our event sponsors and speakers for providing their time and resources making this week a success – OSHA, Muth Electric, Soukup, Limoges Construction Inc., Dakota Riggers, Rolling Pin and Papa Woody’s.

Cheers to a safe and successful National Safety Stand-Down week!