Construction Update: Cars For Sale


Lloyd Companies’ construction team continues to make progress on the future headquarters for growing tech company Cars For Sale. The $14.7 million project is one of the largest builds in Sioux Falls this year. We highlighted a few of the project’s features in a previous blog post, but since our team is making a spectacle at the Lake Lorraine development, we thought an update was in order.

As it stands, the crew has completed 95% of the steel work, poured 80% of the concrete floors, and paved 70% of the parking lot. They began working on the precast walls this week and have made progress on the Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing rough ins as well. As you can see in the timelapse video below, much has changed in the last few months.
In the next few weeks, the team plans to finish the precast walls and begin interior framing. They will also tackle concrete work on the ground floor of the 500-person auditorium and the elevated lakeside patio. The footprint of the 107,000 square foot building is starting to take shape, but the project’s uniqueness will continue to shine in the weeks ahead as the interior features start to come together.

This project has been an incredible opportunity for our team. We’re excited to be a part of a build of this size and scope. When completed, it will be a corporate headquarters unlike any other in Sioux Falls.  We’ve included some additional pictures of our progress below. Be sure to continue to check back often for additional updates on this and many other Lloyd Companies projects.